How does blogging help with student reflection?


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Reflective practice is often a challenging task for many people, as it is the in depth studying of their own experiences to improve the way they work. Reflection often leads to increased confidence within the individual doing the reflective practice and creates someone who is proactive.

Useful blogging sites:

A blog is a place which allows individuals to express themselves to the world and is a piece of work that is frequently updated. Blogging goes hand in hand with reflective practice as a blog is a place to share thoughts and feelings which can be turned into a reflective piece of work. Furthermore, blogging allows students to be expressive by combining aspects of thinking-writing with aspects of presentation writing, whilst allowing a conversational tone to the piece of work the student has created.

For students blogging daily could help them become more confident and help them to develop a clearer voice of their own. This increased confidence can be transferred into their work when asked to reflect on how things could be improved. Blogs give students an insight into different styles of writing, helping to expand and develop the students own writing style.

Blogging allows other people to read the students work and to leave comments which can help further improve and inspire the students. Following this, blogging can help students to develop analysis and critique skills. This can later be transferred into reflective work when students look back at how to improve on the work they have previously completed.

Blogs are less formal than written assignments which will encourage students to become more open with their writing as well as being able to put in media elements to further back up their points. Furthermore, blogs allows students to enter into discussions in topics which are not covered in class which can be useful for when students are asked to develop their own views and opinions on various topics. Blogs allows students to reflect on readings which interest them helping to broaden their knowledge and learning skill set. Blogs offer more advantages to students than standard paper submissions.

By students keeping a blog over a period of time it can help students to actively reflect on their work while it is still fresh in their minds. This helps to remind the students how they felt about the work they were doing for example if they found it challenging or if they completely did not understand the task that had been set.
















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